Annual Threat Assessment 2018

14. FEB 2018 Nasjonal trusselvurdering

In 2018, the threat situation in Norway is characterised by a number of complex challenges. The security policy development and its effects on close allies and adjacent areas will signicantly mark the threat situation. Moreover, a number of European countries are facing serious terrorist threats. These threats will in uence European counter terrorist work in the year ahead. 

In this threat assessment, we describe the most likely developments of the threat situation in 2018. We focus on the threat actors as well as on the methods they use.

The assessment is primarily intended for those in Norwegian society who seek public information about expected developments of the threat picture. The assessment is also intended for companies that need an updated threat assessment as part of their risk manage- ment. However, it is essential that the users of the threat assessment are well acquainted with their own values and make their own assessments of the best way to secure them. If you suspect that you have been exposed to a situation as mentioned in this assessment, please notify us so we can assess whether a follow-up is required. 

Annual Threat assessment 2018.pdf